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The IGAs especially in informal sector activities have been regarded as illegal and thus arms of law were affective due to adequate capacity of enforcement on one hand and smaller IGAs on the other, above all, the economic was doing well and jobs were available, later on the situation changed for the worse Bagachwa, ; Luvaga, While the concept and the term is much eulogized as enabling a sharing of power.

As the "ultimate refuge" in beneficial economic activities it is a source of income without which abject poverty, Prostitutes Igurusi crime rate and social unrest would have been the inevitable out comes. Contribution of the Income Generation Activities to the Improvement of Social Prostitutes Igurusi Welfare Apart from the contribution to poverty reduction, Omary, reported that the IGAs sector plays a vital role in improving people welfare. The emphasis was on the key contribution to the household economy.

For example, Omary, reported that women who are the food vendors earn income which Prostitutes Igurusi directly not only to the bread winners but also help for other household responsibilities in Dar es Salaam region.

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Likewise, Msangi, reported that Prostitutes Igurusi vending business is prospering due to its potential contribution to house holds welfare. This is because the business contributes a lot to the poor people involving in such a business. Income Generation Activities Sector and Government Policy The previous policies did not address the income generation activities since the sector was not officially Prostitutes Igurusi.

Prostitutes Igurusi, policies formulated for other areas such as Prostitutes Igurusi agriculture, industrial, labour, registration, economic and education had tremendous impact on the IGAs sector's character mode of operation and growth. The IGAs especially in informal sector activities have been regarded as illegal and thus arms of law were affective due to adequate capacity of enforcement on one hand and smaller IGAs on the other, above all, the economic was doing well and jobs were available, later on the situation changed for the worse Bagachwa, ; Luvaga, Prostitutes Igurusi In general, development policies together with some government regulation have affected the growth of the IGAs.

De Wallen, the infamous red light district of Igurusi, is known for its legal brothels, where women market their wares by posing in windows. income generation activities in Mbarali District a case of Igurusi ward. who views them as prostitutes especially for those who own grocery or bar.

For instance, the Nationalization Act ofpart leadership code of and the Ujamaa village Act, all worked against not Prostitutes Igurusi the growth of the sector, but also worked towards discouraging individual initiative and barred participation in private ventures for "leadership" Bagachwa, ; Luvaga, In addition, Arusha declarations of discourage individual private initiative.

This situation had serious effect on growth and graduation of the income generation activity sector not only in the study area but also Prostitutes Igurusi parts in the country. However, due to the government persistent and growing inability to remunerate its employees and provide basic services, in President Mwinyi in a speech encourages workers to participate in other income generating activities so as to supplement their income Mushi, This green "light" saw Prostitutes Igurusi start of Prostitutes Igurusi proliferation of all kinds of income generation activities.

According to Bagachwa, et al.

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Research Methodology 3. Research Design The study used the cross sectional research design of which data was collected from the respondents at a single time across the study area. Prostitutes Igurusi consists of three villages namely Igurusi, Ilongo, and majenje.

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The reasons for the choice; the easy accessibility Prostitutes Igurusi transport to the area, researcher is working in the same ward made it relative easier to access data and cooperation from respondents. The women in this ward are always engaging in income generation activities and managed to send their children to school and other household services.

Also the inner motivation to know why and Prostitutes Igurusi these activities are carried out in the ward especially the women involvement. Targeted Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique The targeted population of this study has involved women aged from 18 years and above who engaged themselves in income generation activities as they are considerable maturity age by Tanzanian policy and can enjoy productive work.

Prostitutes Igurusi of 80 women was taken as respondents from the population using stratified sampling due to the Prostitutes Igurusi that the population was heterogeneous in terms of participation in different income generation activities thus it involves the strata of rice venders, food venders, shop owners, hair salon, local brew, vegetable sellers fuel wood, and bar owner. The choice of the sample was based on the Prostitutes Igurusi perceptions that as these are the key participants on income generation activities and are able to provide the required data.

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Data Collection i Primary data was Prostitutes Igurusi by a number of data gathering techniques which enables to get the intended results. The techniques included questionnaire, interview checklist, and non participant observation. Questi onnaire and C hecklist The study used structured questionnaire to gather information on general characteristics of the population, types of activities conducted, number of hours spend in conducting activities, amount of income earned, resources used in conducting IGAs and the effect of IGAs in house hold income.

Obse rvation The researcher visited the business conducting areas so Prostitutes Igurusi to learn tangible Prostitutes Igurusi intangible aspects that had either negatively or strengthened the conducting Prostitutes Igurusi income generation activities such as working environment, and hours spend in conducting activities.

Data Analysis and Processing Primary data collected from the checklist of the respondents was summarized, coded and edited and Prostitutes Igurusi data were quantified to make realistic inference based on study Prostitutes Igurusi. Quantitative data analysis was done under the aid of Statistical Package for social sciences SPSS software where by descriptive statistics to determine percentage and frequencies. Qualitative data in some cases the respondents own words have been reported concurrently with quantitative data.

The variables were analyzed in correlation analysis, to show the strength and direction of relationship between variables. The variables involved were dependent variable impact of income generation to household income and independent variables Prostitutes Igurusi education level, marital status, resources used, number of hours spends in IGAs, and amount of income on IGAs per day. Results and Discussion 4.

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Respondents Prostitutes Igurusi 4. Education of Respondents Education level of the respondent was considered in assessing the impact of women participation in income generation activities. The finding revealed Prostitutes Igurusi none among women are engaging in income generation has not reached at least standard seven. Education Level Frequency Percent Primary 53 Marital Status of the Respondent Marital status has an influence in women's participation in income generation activities.

The results in table 2 below shows that Marital Status Frequency Prostitutes Igurusi Married 39 Reasons for Engaging on Income Generation Activities Most of the respondents said that their poor education level was the major factor that forced them to engage in income generative Prostitutes Igurusi this is represented by Reason Frequency Percent Low education 27 These results reveals that women have to use more time in their business. Most Hours Frequency Percent 10 hours 43 Although the money is Prostitutes Igurusi enough to satisfy daily basic need.

Other Benefit Apart from Income Earning The findings reveal that women participation in income generation activities has Prostitutes Igurusi following benefit apart from income Type of benefit Frequency Percent Socialization 49 Market competition was reported by The results are presented in table 9 below.

If a woman refused, she would be brought before a magistrate, where the burden of proof was on her to prove Prostitutes Gibraltar was virtuous, that she did not go with men, whether for money or not.

This is influenced by several factors such as unreliable markets, price fluctuations, and poor working conditions as being elaborated in the constraints hinder women participation on income generation activities. Factors r Education level of 0.

Conclusion and Recommendations 5. At the same time the longer Prostitutes Igurusi working hours that the participant uses the more the impact of IGA income to household income and the less the time spend the less the income gained, as shown in the Prostitutes Igurusi analysis above. Women at Igurusi suffer from a number of constraints that hinder their participation being more efficiency, among them are receiving abusive language from customers, who views them as prostitutes especially for those who Prostitutes Igurusi grocery or bar, lack of initial capital, Prostitutes Igurusi fluctuation, lack of capital, customers failing in debt paying, Poor working conditions, market competition and lack of security.

These factors hinder them in achieving their objective to high income earnings. Recommendations In view of the findings it is hereby recommended that; There is a need for the society as whole to recognize women's effort and their involvement in income generative activities. Different strategies should be taken into account on how to involve women in Prostitutes Igurusi interventions including their engagement in income generation activities. It is clear that sustainable development can be attained Prostitutes Igurusi their effective women involvement in all aspects.

The diagnosis shows that women suffer from a number of constraints. The opportunities of women to participate in income generation activities are being hindered by the low income they get form their activities due inadequate initial and working capital. It recommended that women should have Prostitutes Igurusi opportunities to access to credits so as to have adequate capital to carry out their business on income generation activities, so as to have attaining development as elaborated in Tanzania millennium development goals and Tanzania vision of to have high Quality Livelihood.

Generally, women's access to higher education is very low and that's why they opt for income Prostitutes Igurusi activities. The study also shows that the income gained from different activities are low, hence does not satisfy house hold requirement, the reason behind is poor initial capital and poor marketing systems.

It is recommended that women in rural areas should be given first priorities in credit provision with low collaterals that would enable women to carry out bigger business and also ability to repay back credits as well as to have high contribution so far as house hold is concerned, the government vision Prostitutes Igurusi poverty reduction should go hand by hand with formulation of reliable Prostitutes Igurusi for domestic commodities especially those produced by women.

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References i. Bagachwa, M. Barret, C and Readon, T. Bezemer, D. Collier, P. Cooperation management Learning Prostitutes Igurusi Dahl, G. De Janvry, A. Food and Agriculture Organization.

Rural income generating activities in Developing Countries: Re assessing the evidence, Electronic Journal of Agriculture and Prostitutes Igurusi Economics 4 1 ix.

Gordon, A. Addis Abeba: ILO. Morduch, J. Income smoothing and consumption smoothing.

Data Collection i Primary data was collected by a number of data gathering techniques which enables to get the intended results.

The Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. Msangi, S. Improving household incomes and reducing deforestation using rotational woodlots in Tabora district, Tanzania. Mushi, V. Dissertation for Award M. Omary, C. Rural women, informal sector and household economy in Tanzania. Raynor, Janet, Wesson, Kate Journal of Education for International Development Sarris and Brink V. At night, I tried to sell myself to them, and Prostitutes Igurusi succeeded, thanks to the darkness of the narrow Prostitutes Gibraltar.

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