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Rape and Domestic Violence : Rape is illegal, but criminal law does not specifically address spousal rape. Such conditions were common among those working as street vendors or in unregulated bazaars.

According to the Ministry of Corrections, 17 prisoners died in the penitentiary system during the year, a slight increase from 12 deaths in The Ministry of Corrections reported during the year that the No.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also ran a migration center, built to international standards, to house individuals being deported or brought into Georgia for legal reasons. Men, women, and families each had their Prostitutes Ochamchire quarters, and there were specially adapted rooms for individuals with disabilities. A designated monitoring unit provided internal oversight for the facility, which supplied medical and psychological support to its residents as needed.

These prisoners also claimed they were not allowed to receive any law-related material, making it harder for them to form an appropriate defense for hearings. In the NGO Human Rights Center reported women and juvenile prisoners did not have Prostitutes Ochamchire to lawyers for legal assistance in preparing various documents, complaints, statements on early release, and other important matters. Most prisons had Georgian Orthodox Christian chapels but no specific nondenominational areas for worship.

Independent Monitoring : The government permitted independent monitoring of prison conditions by international organizations and some local and international human rights groups. The ICRC had full access to prisons and detention facilities in undisputed Georgian territory and some access to prison and detention facilities Prostitutes Ochamchire South Ossetia.

Improvements : In September the Ministry of Corrections approved photographic recording in penitentiaries and granted the Prostitutes Ochamchire to the national mechanism of prevention to photograph bodily injuries and the physical condition inside penitentiaries during monitoring Prostitutes Ochamchire.

The ministry also amended its regulations to better define conditions and compensation Prostitutes Ochamchire for inmates employed within the penitentiary system, launched a new website to allow inmates to sell handicrafts online, and created an advisory council including NGOs and international organizations to increase Prostitutes Ochamchire and feedback to the minister. The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported during the year it opened a medical care service in its Temporary Detention Department, hired 30 staff for the department, and trained the Prostitutes Ochamchire on documenting injuries according to the Istanbul protocol and emergency response.

The ministry also reported it repaired or reconstructed ventilation and heating in temporary detention facilities throughout the country, installed them in facilities where no ventilation system existed, fully reconstructed two existing facilities, and completed construction of one new facility. Two organizations have primary responsibility Prostitutes Ochamchire law enforcement and the maintenance of public order: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Service.

The Ministry Prostitutes Ochamchire Internal Affairs is the primary law enforcement organization in the country and includes the national police force, the border security force, and the Georgian Coast Guard. The State Security Service is the internal intelligence service responsible for counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and anticorruption.

The Ministry of Finance and the Prosecution Service of Georgia both have investigative Prostitutes Ochamchire with police powers in financial investigations. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for external security, although the government may call on it during times of internal disorder.

Civilian authorities maintained effective control over the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Security Service, and Ministry of Defense, and the organizations have internal mechanisms to investigate and punish abuse and corruption. State Security Service official allegedly placed political pressure on candidates and campaign staff see section 3.

Adeishvili reportedly ordered the deputy head of the Revenue Office in the Ministry of Prostitutes Ochamchire, Davit Karseladze, to use a special unit to Prostitutes Ochamchire opposition leaders from appearing in crowds, to prevent them from addressing the public, and to attack other protesters.

As of December the trial was underway at Tbilisi City Court. In September the Prostitutes Ochamchire head of the Constitutional Security Department, Davit Akhalaia, and three additional former Prostitutes Ochamchire of Internal Affairs officials were charged in connection with the violent dispersal of a protest in that was allegedly ordered by then internal affairs minister Ivane Merabishvili, who remained in prison.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its General Inspection Service imposed 1, disciplinary Prostitutes Ochamchire, such as reprimands, demotions, and Prostitutes Ochamchire, on law enforcement officers between January and July. There were 2, such actions in Law enforcement officers must have a warrant to make an arrest except in limited cases where destruction of evidence or commission of a new crime cannot Prostitutes Ochamchire prevented by other means. The criminal procedure code provides that an arrest warrant can be obtained only where probable cause can be shown that a person committed a crime punishable by imprisonment and that the individual may abscond or fail to appear in court, destroy evidence, or commit a Prostitutes Ochamchire crime.

GYLA noted courts generally failed to conduct proper review of the legality of arrests, but in some cases judges began to review arrests. Upon arrest, a detainee must be advised of his or her legal rights.

Any statement made after arrest but before a detainee is advised of his or her rights is inadmissible in court. The arresting officer must immediately take the detainee to the nearest police station and record the arrest, providing a copy to the detainee and his or her attorney. Detainees must be indicted within 48 hours and taken to the court within the first 72 to decide on the use of pretrial Prostitutes Ochamchire.

Violating the time limit results in the immediate release of Prostitutes Ochamchire person. Anyone taken into custody on administrative grounds has the right to be heard in court within the first 12 hours Prostitutes Ochamchire detention, and violating the time limit results in the immediate release of the person.

GYLA monitored the Tbilisi and Kutaisi city and appellate courts from February to July and reported courts generally continued to use bail and imprisonment as preventive measures. While GYLA reported the percentage of unsubstantiated decisions imposing bail significantly increased, it also reported the number of decisions unreasonably imposing imprisonment slightly declined. GYLA also stated that proper judicial oversight of the conclusion of plea bargains deteriorated and that the number of cases in which judges failed to explain fully to defendants their rights increased.

Detainees have the right to request immediate access to a lawyer and the right to refuse to make a statement in the absence of counsel.

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An indigent defendant charged with a crime has the right to counsel appointed at public expense. This support, managed by the Legal Aid Service, is a separate and independent entity with a nine-member board. Detainees facing possible criminal charges have the right to have their families notified by the prosecutor or the Prostitutes Ochamchire within three hours of arrest; persons Prostitutes Ochamchire with administrative offenses have the right to notify family upon request.

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In February a new law shifted the government from a system of compelled witness interrogations to voluntary witness interviewing. NGOs and international partners criticized this mechanism as a significant loophole. As of December, however, statistics showed the practice had not been abused by law enforcement: prosecutors had interviewed approximatelyadults and 4, minors on a voluntary basis and petitioned the court on 71 occasions for court-compelled interviews the court granted 66 of the 71 requests.

Of those individuals compelled by the court, only Prostitutes Ochamchire witnesses were interviewed because of their refusal to talk. The other motions were for individuals who were leaving the country before trial, had deteriorating health, or were due to foreign government requests.

Concerns persisted regarding the use of administrative detention, under which authorities may Prostitutes Ochamchire an individual for up to 15 days without the right to effective defense, Prostitutes Ochamchire standards of proof, and effective right to appeal. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, persons served terms of administrative detention in temporary detention isolation cells during the year, compared with in The Ministry of Internal Affairs also explained police officers are authorized to bring an individual for a drug test only when the police officer personally witnesses that the person is committing an offense and there is sufficient Prostitutes Ochamchire to believe that a person is under the influence of narcotics or Prostitutes Ochamchire substances.

Members of the opposition party United National Movement UNM alleged the government engaged in politically motivated arrest and detention. At that time Merabishvili reported he was taken from his detention cell to a late night meeting with the then chief prosecutor, who sought to intimidate him into cooperating on these cases.

Pretrial Detention : In September the Constitutional Court ruled that prolonging pretrial detention beyond nine months was unconstitutional if law enforcement officials knew of the Prostitutes Ochamchire, or potential charges, at the time the defendant was serving pretrial detention for other offenses. Although there was noticeable progress in the substantiation of court rulings, NGO trial monitors identified inadequate substantiation of detention decisions and delays in a number of cases.

Prostitutes Ochamchire detention at times was lengthy, and NGOs noted uneven application of the standards to grant bail or require detention. Lawyers noted courts sometimes used ECHR standards to justify their rulings. Nevertheless, prosecutors and judges often did not Prostitutes Ochamchire a reasoned Prostitutes Ochamchire specific justification for requesting or ordering detention.

A person shall be immediately released if the substantial breach of an arrest procedure has been identified. This decision can be made by Prostitutes Ochamchire prosecutor or a judge at the first appearance hearing within 72 hours from the arrest. The law provides that regardless of whether the Prostitutes Ochamchire person is convicted or not, the person shall be fully reimbursed from the Prostitutes Ochamchire budget for the damage incurred as a result of an unlawful and Prostitutes Ochamchire arrest.

The legality of administrative arrest—which is not Prostitutes Ochamchire exceed 12 hours—can be appealed with a prosecutor. There is no meaningful judicial review provided by the code of administrative violations for an administrative Prostitutes Ochamchire.

Amnesty : According to the Ministry of Corrections, the government granted amnesty to eight individuals and pardoned individuals who were serving prison sentences during the year.

Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons Women Rape and Domestic Violence : Rape is illegal, but criminal law does not specifically address spousal rape.

Although the constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary and progress on judicial reforms occurred in Prostitutes Ochamchire December, there remained indications of interference in the judicial system. The president, public defender, and NGOs raised public concerns regarding pressure Prostitutes Ochamchire judges, judicial appointments including to the Constitutional Courtpassage of Prostitutes Ochamchire Court legislation, prosecutorial reform, case assignments, due process, appellate review, and compulsory defense.

The president and the Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary, consisting of dozens of human rights and democracy NGOs, expressed concern that flawed Prostitutes Ochamchire for selecting judges at all court levels—many to lifetime appointments—left the judiciary vulnerable to political influence in politically sensitive cases. Nearly new judges with lifetime appointments were appointed throughout the year. Coalition members reported they were able to attend High Council of Justice meetings and enjoyed unlimited access to court sessions.

In May parliament passed legislation that was controversial both in content and timing altering the functioning of the Constitutional Court, Prostitutes Ochamchire judicial competencies in the final Prostitutes Ochamchire of their office, term limits, and quorum requirements.

In December the Constitutional Court ruled the changes made to the Constitutional Court were unconstitutional. In July the chairman of the Constitutional Court, whose term ended in September, claimed Prostitutes Ochamchire justices on the court involved in politically charged cases were under external pressure to rule in favor of the government.

Some of the judges on the court, however, refuted the claim, asserting they were not under external pressure and claimed the chairman was the Prostitutes Ochamchire pressuring them to act quickly and in certain ways. NGOs also cited threats against Constitutional Court judges and the lack of response by law enforcement authorities as causes for concern.

Prostitutes Ochamchire court system continued to lack an effective system to guarantee the random assignment of cases. According to Transparency International, the case distribution system in the trial and appeals courts remained a major problem and hindered judicial independence. Parliament did not adopt the package, which the government submitted in the summer of and which remained the subject of high public Prostitutes Ochamchire international interest, until late December.

The president and the Coalition for Independent and Transparent Judiciary also highlighted that the amendments on the appointment of the chief prosecutor failed to achieve the goal of depoliticizing the Prostitutes Ochamchire Service of Georgia. In particular, the coalition stated that a lack of genuine transparency in the formation of the Prosecutorial Council remained and that power to select the chief prosecutor ultimately rested with the Prostitutes Ochamchire party and the government.

The Venice Commission, which also reviewed the reforms, advised that the process of selection and appointment of the chief prosecutor should include procedures that avoid the appointment of a Prostitutes Ochamchire acceptable solely to the ruling party.

It also advised that the law should contain a merit-based process driven by consensus among the ruling and opposition parties, and representatives of professional circles and the society.

The ministry also amended its regulations to better define conditions and compensation requirements for inmates employed within the penitentiary system, launched a new website to allow inmates to sell handicrafts online, and created an advisory council including NGOs and international organizations to increase transparency and feedback to the minister.

The coalition concluded that the law failed to meet both Prostitutes Ochamchire these criteria. Aimed at reforming the Prosecution Service of Georgia and Prostitutes Ochamchire the rules for selection and discipline of the chief prosecutor, the package focused on depoliticizing the selection of the chief prosecutor by involving several agencies and parliament in both the selection and discipline of a chief prosecutor.

To meet this goal, Prostitutes Ochamchire legislation created a Prosecution Council chaired by the minister of justice Prostitutes Ochamchire composed of prosecutors, judiciary, academia, and civil society members. The legislation also codified for the first time professional objective qualifications required to hold the office and implemented mechanisms to guarantee checks and balances within the Prosecution Service of Georgia. The constitution and law provide for the right to a fair trial.

While the judiciary generally enforced this right, Prostitutes Ochamchire noted this was not the case in some high-profile, Prostitutes Ochamchire sensitive cases.

Although the constitution and law provide for the right to a public trial, GYLA reported on December 8 Prostitutes Ochamchire courts were inconsistent in their approaches to closing hearings to the public and at times did not provide an explanation for holding a closed hearing. Defendants enjoy the right to a presumption of innocence and to be informed promptly and in detail of Prostitutes Ochamchire charges against them, with free interpretation as necessary.

Defendants have a right to be present at their trial and have a public trial except where national security, privacy, or protection of a juvenile is involved.

The law allows for trial in absentia in certain cases where the defendant has left the country. The law does not prescribe a maximum period for investigation of cases but stipulates a maximum period for trial if the person is detained. In the criminal procedure code was amended to require trial courts to issue a verdict within 24 months of completing a pretrial hearing.

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Courts allowed photographs and audio and video recordings of trials and provided these to the public upon request. Defendants have the right to meet with an attorney of their choice without hindrance, supervision, or undue restriction. Defendants enjoy the right to have an attorney provided at public expense if they are indigent, but many did not always have adequate time and facilities to prepare a defense.

Defendants have the right to question and confront prosecution or witnesses against them and present witnesses and evidence on their own behalf at trial. Defendants have the right to refuse to testify or self-incriminate.

While a defendant has the right to appeal a conviction, making an effective appeal under the administrative code was difficult. Administrative sentences that entail incarceration are required to be appealed within 48 hours and within 10 days otherwise.

By law a court must Prostitutes Ochamchire that a plea bargain was reached without violence, intimidation, deception, or illegal promise and that the accused had the opportunity to obtain legal assistance. Plea bargaining provisions in the criminal procedure code provide safeguards for due process, including the removal of a no contest plea and allowing charge bargaining.

The evidentiary standard for plea agreements stipulates that Prostitutes Ochamchire must be sufficient Prostitutes Ochamchire find a defendant guilty, without a full trial of a case, and must satisfy an objective person that the crime was committed by the defendant.

The UNM opposition party and family members of prisoners alleged the government held political prisoners, including the former internal affairs minister and former mayor of Prostitutes Ochamchire. The government permitted international and domestic organizations to visit persons claiming to be political prisoners or detainees, and several international organizations did so during the year.

The constitution provides for an independent and impartial judiciary in civil matters, but there were Prostitutes Ochamchire about the professionalism of civil judges and transparency in Prostitutes Ochamchire adjudication. Prostitutes Ochamchire constitution and law Prostitutes Ochamchire that a person who suffers damages resulting from arbitrary detention or other unlawful or arbitrary acts, including human rights violations, is entitled to bring a civil action.

Individuals have the right to appeal court decisions involving the alleged violation of the European Convention on Human Rights by the state to the ECHR after they have exhausted domestic avenues of appeal. There were reports of lack of due process and respect for rule of law in a number of property rights cases.

NGOs also reported several cases in which groups claimed the former government improperly used eminent domain or coercion to seize property at unfairly low prices. In the Tbilisi City Court ordered Prostitutes Ochamchire Adeishvili be held in pretrial detention in absentia; the former justice Prostitutes Ochamchire remained outside the country with several cases pending against him.

In Abkhazia the de facto legal system prohibits property claims by ethnic Georgians Prostitutes Ochamchire left Abkhazia before, during, or after the war, thereby depriving IDPs of their property rights in Abkhazia. In a decree, South Ossetian de facto authorities invalidated all real estate documents issued by the Georgian government between and relating to property in the Akhalgori Region.

The constitution and law prohibit such actions without court approval or legal necessity and prohibit police from searching a residence or conducting nonconsensual electronic surveillance or monitoring operations without a warrant. NGOs, media outlets, Prostitutes Ochamchire others asserted the government did not respect these prohibitions.

For example, there were widespread reports that the government monitored the political opposition. In March numerous unauthorized videos purporting to show politicians in compromising positions were released on the internet.

Several other public Prostitutes Ochamchire stated they were blackmailed with recordings made of their private lives. In September an audio tape was released on the internet, allegedly Prostitutes Ochamchire a former president and other opposition leaders discussing the feasibility and logistics of organizing a revolution in the country.

Opposition party members also claimed they received texts from unknown sources threatening to Prostitutes Ochamchire incriminating footage of them. The constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and press, and citizens generally were free to exercise these rights, although there were allegations the government at times did not adequately protect them.

Press and Media Freedoms : Independent media were very active and expressed a wide variety of views. At the same time, media remained politically polarized and provided the public only limited access to objective, neutral news. Television was the most influential medium and the primary Prostitutes Ochamchire of information on current events for approximately 87 Prostitutes Ochamchire of the population, according to a survey carried out by Caucasus Research Resource Centers Georgia. Major television stations expressed a political bias, albeit to a lesser degree than in previous years.

Government Prostitutes Ochamchire periodically criticized certain media outlets, in most cases Rustavi 2, alleging Prostitutes Ochamchire pro-opposition bias. Following the amendments to Prostitutes Ochamchire Law on Broadcasting, which obligate media outlets to disclose information about their owners, media ownership became fairly transparent. Transparency of media ownership allowed consumers to judge the objectivity of news, but media experts acknowledged transparency was not absolute.

In a Transparency International report concluded that significant personnel changes at several major media companies affected the content of broadcasting. In a number of instances, owners were suspected of interference in the editorial policies of the broadcasters, undermining media freedom.

Some media outlets, watchdog groups, Prostitutes Ochamchire NGOs Prostitutes Ochamchire continued concern over a restrictive environment for media pluralism and political meddling in the media, to which government critics were particularly vulnerable. In July attorneys for Rustavi 2 appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.

There were also claims concerning the constitutionality of the statutes cited in the Rustavi 2 ruling by the Tbilisi City Court pending before the Constitutional Court see section 1. Violence and Harassment : Crimes against media professionals, citizen reporters, and media outlets were prosecuted vigorously, but such crimes were rare.

There was one report of police physically and verbally assaulting a journalist. In August Davit Mchedlidze, editor in chief of the online media outlet media. An investigation was underway. Nongovernmental Impact : Media observers, NGO representatives, and opposition politicians alleged that a former prime minister continued to exert a powerful Prostitutes Ochamchire over the government and judiciary, including in the lower and appellate court decision against owners of the Prostitutes Ochamchire 2 television station.

While there was a greater diversity of media in Abkhazia, media in the separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia remained restricted by de facto authorities and Russian occupying forces. The Georgian government rarely restricted access to content online, although two isolated blocking incidents involving WordPress and YouTube were documented during the year.

Aside from these isolated incidents, government blocking and filtering was not a major hindrance to internet freedom. In recent years legislative amendments and court decisions gradually began to increase Prostitutes Ochamchire on the ability of authorities to conduct surveillance of citizens online.

Leaked recordings of private conversations between public officials, however, raised concerns of unauthorized surveillance see section 1.

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According Prostitutes Ochamchire International Telecommunication Union statistics, approximately two-thirds of the population used the internet.

High prices for services and inadequate infrastructure limited access, particularly for Prostitutes Ochamchire in rural areas or with low Prostitutes Ochamchire.

There were no confirmed reports of government restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events. The constitution and law generally provide for freedom of assembly. Police on Prostitutes Ochamchire arrested or failed to protect participants in peaceful assemblies from counterdemonstrators. There were reports that some government representatives and supporters of the ruling party pressured political opposition figures and supporters, central and local government employees, teachers, and union members, including by surveillance see section 1.

Throughout the year, and especially during the campaign prior to Prostitutes Ochamchire October parliamentary elections, there were reports of violence, intimidation, and harassment against Prostitutes Ochamchire party figures and dismissal or the threat of dismissal from work for supporting opposition parties.

The law provides for freedom of movement within the country, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation of citizens, but de facto authorities and Russian occupying forces limited this freedom in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The government cooperated with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Prostitutes Ochamchire UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to IDPs, refugees, returning refugees, asylum seekers, Prostitutes Ochamchire persons, and other persons of concern.

In-country Movement : Prostitutes Ochamchire were substantial impediments to freedom of Prostitutes Ochamchire within the country Prostitutes Ochamchire to a Prostitutes Ochamchire of access to the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The majority of the more than thousand IDPs in the country from Abkhazia and South Ossetia reportedly wished to return to their areas Prostitutes Ochamchire origin but lacked adequate security guarantees and a political resolution to the conflicts.

Foreigners Prostitutes Ochamchire restricted from moving in and out of South Ossetia but could access Abkhazia with approval from the de facto authorities there. Crossing permits so-called propuskswhich were introduced in by de facto South Ossetian authorities, were the only document that allowed movement across the South Ossetia-Georgia boundary line. On December 26, South Ossetian de facto Prostitutes Ochamchire announced the introduction of a new permit valid for three years for crossing at controlled crossing points, effective January 1, The de facto authorities allowed the following categories of persons to cross the Georgia-Abkhaz boundary: holders of Abkhaz and Soviet passports, Form No.

Some non-Gali residents who used their Georgian passports had to obtain permission from district de facto State Security Services to cross the Georgia-Abkhaz boundary. Georgian passport holders residing in government-administered territory could also cross the checkpoint if they possessed invitation letters cleared by the de facto State Security Services allowing them to enter Abkhazia.

There were no reports that Georgian authorities unduly restricted any international humanitarian organizations access to the breakaway regions of Abkhazia or South Ossetia. The Georgian Law on Occupied Territories limits access to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, prohibiting entry and exit from neighboring states and requiring movement from Tbilisi Administered Prostitutes Ochamchire only, absent a specific waiver from Georgian authorities.

De facto authorities and Russian forces Prostitutes Ochamchire the occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia also restricted the movement of the local population across the administrative boundaries for medical care, pension services, religious services, and education.

De facto authorities continued expanding fencing and other physical boundaries along the administrative boundary line between Prostitutes Ochamchire government-administered area and South Ossetia during the year. Villagers who approached the line or crossings risked detention Prostitutes Ochamchire Russian Federation Border Guards. This number included individuals who returned to Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Prostitutes Ochamchire adjacent to the administrative boundary with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as those displaced in the conflict who were subsequently relocated.

The government prioritized finding durable housing for the 55, IDP families in the country. Since the government Prostitutes Ochamchire urban housing to 1, families and purchased homes in Prostitutes Ochamchire areas for families. Durable housing remained a priority need for IDPs. Approximately 64 percent of IDPs in the government-administered territory did not have living quarters that could be considered habitable, with many living in collapsing communal facilities that lacked basic services, including potable water, adequate sanitation, and sewage systems.

Many IDP households—primarily those displaced in conflicts in the s—continued to live in substandard or squalid buildings and were in areas with insufficient access to services and economic opportunities. Abkhaz de facto authorities continued to prevent repatriation of the approximatelypersons displaced by the war, despite their agreement with Georgia, Russia, and UNHCR, which called for the safe, secure, and voluntary Prostitutes Ochamchire of IDPs who fled during the war.

Approximately 45, of the overallIDPs worked as seasonal laborers, returning to the Gali and Ochamchire regions of lower Abkhazia, but Abkhaz de facto authorities refused to allow the return of IDPs to other regions. Access to Asylum : The law provides for the granting of asylum or refugee status, and the government has established a system for providing protection to refugees.

Employment : Refugees and asylum seekers could not work in the public sector but otherwise had access to legal employment. Access to Basic Services : The Prostitutes Ochamchire provided almost no integration assistance for recognized refugees, so many relied Prostitutes Ochamchire limited support from international agencies.

The law enables refugees and asylum seekers to receive a temporary residence permit during the entirety of their asylum procedure as well as documentation necessary to open a bank account and register a business or property. Durable Solutions : The government naturalized Chechen refugees over Prostitutes Ochamchire previous five years. UNHCR reported approximately Chechen refugees remained unnaturalized, however, including several whose applications were rejected because they failed to pass the required test in language and country history.

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Others were purportedly Prostitutes Ochamchire for national security Prostitutes Ochamchire. Temporary Protection Prostitutes Ochamchire The government also provided temporary protection to individuals who may not qualify for refugee status. As of August, persons were granted humanitarian status. In certain cases the president may grant citizenship to individuals who did not satisfy these requirements. The law does not adequately define who is a stateless person, address the loss of Georgian citizenship or reactivation of a Prostitutes Ochamchire statelessness claim, or Prostitutes Ochamchire the rights of children of stateless person s.

The constitution and law provide citizens the ability to choose their government in free and fair periodic elections conducted by secret ballot and based on universal and equal Prostitutes Ochamchire. They also expressed concern that the drafting process lacked transparency, impartiality, and broad engagement. In July the court ruled the evidence did not show abuse of electoral geography. Recent Elections : The country held two rounds of parliamentary elections on October 8 and October While unrest was not widespread, violent incidents Prostitutes Ochamchire reported throughout the electoral process.

On election day, for the first round, there were four incidents of violence toward the end Prostitutes Ochamchire voting and during the vote count in Marneuli, Kutaisi, Prostitutes Ochamchire Zugdidi. In two precincts in Zugdidi and one in Marneuli, the counting process was Prostitutes Ochamchire or terminated by outside activists who stormed polling stations, damaged ballot boxes and private property, and assaulted international observers.

Reruns were necessary in both Zugdidi precincts and the precinct in Marneuli but not in Kutaisi. The UNM and local NGOs in separate statements expressed concern that police raids on the homes of individuals suspected of raiding the polling station in Marneuli during the first round of the elections was an attempt to intimidate supporters from voting in the second round.

Election observers including the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy ISFEDwhich conducted parallel vote tabulation that was consistent with official results, expressed concerns about the qualifications, neutrality, and competence of some polling station commissioners.

Several NGOs and opposition parties complained the selection process for precinct electoral officials lacked transparency. NDI and other election observers reported Prostitutes Ochamchire procedural problems at PECs—particularly related to the counting and completion of summary protocols—as well as other violations, including duplicate voting, vote buying, voter invitation cards included with cast ballots, and allegations of ballot box stuffing. NGOs and opposition parties reported politically motivated intimidation throughout the electoral process.

ISFED reported 28 cases of intimidation in the pre-election period, while Transparency International identified 10 cases between the first and second rounds. The UNM reported more than 50 cases overall. Shortcomings included allegations of political pressure during the campaign, including on UNM representatives in local government; unclear and unevenly applied election Prostitutes Ochamchire provisions; and insufficient campaign finance monitoring.

Political Parties and Political Participation : On Prostitutes Ochamchire 22, multiple leading UNM politicians and activists were beaten at a polling station in Kortskheli, a village in the Zugdidi municipality, during a by-election for a seat in the local council. Local media filmed part of the altercation.

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NGO election observers reported that the small number of police officers present failed to prevent a fistfight Prostitutes Ochamchire breaking out and that additional police Prostitutes Ochamchire arrived later. On June 1, the Ministry of Internal Affairs filed criminal charges against six men involved in the incident. On December 7, the case went Prostitutes Ochamchire trial. NDI observed that while the campaign environment was more competitive Prostitutes Ochamchire in the parliamentary elections, the number of political parties represented in the newly elected parliament narrowed to three.

Participation of Women and Minorities : No laws limit Prostitutes Ochamchire participation of women and members of minorities in the political process, and women and minorities did participate. There were three ethnic Armenians and four ethnic Azeris in parliament but no minority members in the cabinet, Supreme Court, or Constitutional Court.

Higher-level city managers included ethnic minority leaders. Central offices of the major political parties did not include members of ethnic minorities, but they participated in party activities at the regional and local level and in pre-election campaigning in ethnic Prostitutes Ochamchire communities.

De facto authorities in Abkhazia reportedly forced ethnic Georgians to give up their citizenship to vote or participate in de facto elections. The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials. While the government implemented the law effectively against low-level corruption, Transparency International Georgia stated that a lack of independence of law enforcement agencies diminished their ability to investigate cases of high-level corruption effectively.

There were no Prostitutes Ochamchire mechanisms for preventing corruption in state-owned enterprises and independent regulatory bodies. The report noted, however, that these bodies were often ineffective in identifying violations and that the majority of public institutions had not established clear internal mechanisms for whistleblowing. NGOs noted it remained difficult to define and detect official corruption, in part because the gain realized by corrupt officials could involve benefits such as votes, Prostitutes Ochamchire, or insider information rather than cash.

Transparency International viewed some aspects of civil service reform legislation passed in November as a positive development, for example, the introduction of a standardized system to verify asset declarations.

The unit began operating that March. As of December the unit was investigating Prostitutes Ochamchire total cases, of which 12 were initiated during the year. The State Audit Office monitored the legality and transparency of political financing for the parliamentary elections and reviewed 1, Prostitutes Ochamchire donations by individuals and 84 by legal entities.

The State Audit Office summoned donors for questioning and fined eight for illegal donations. Georgian Dream received 65 percent of the total donations. Transparency International reported the State Audit Office audits were impartial, transparent, and fair.

Corruption : In January Transparency International gave the country a score of 52 out of the maximum in its corruption perceptions index, a figure that showed little change from previous years, despite new checks to prevent corruption.

IDFI concluded the government had undertaken many of the reforms outlined in its Anticorruption Action Planincluding reforms affecting civil service pay, Prostitutes Ochamchire declarations by public officials, and public procurement. Prostitutes Ochamchire January to June, the Anticorruption Agency in the State Security Service identified 14 cases of corruption Prostitutes Ochamchire detained 19 public servants.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported 37 cases of corruption including those from the State Security Agency during the Prostitutes Ochamchire period.

Accusations of corruption continued to surround the Tbilisi city Prostitutes Ochamchire. Financial Disclosure : The law requires public officials to Prostitutes Ochamchire yearly declarations of their financial incomes and property for tax inspection, which were posted online. Declarations were not subject to verification during the year.

The Bureau of Declarations receives financial declarations, and the Prosecution Service of Georgia Prostitutes Ochamchire government corruption cases. Public Access to Information : While the law provides for public access to government meetings and documents, the government sometimes did not provide access to persons or organizations. The law restricts third-party access to information on cases involving the government in international courts.

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IDFI reported it sent 7, freedom Prostitutes Ochamchire information requests to public institutions during the year. Of these, 4, were fully satisfied, answers were incomplete, 26 requests were refused, and 1, were ignored. Fifty-five of the institutions scored percent in providing access to public information. Domestic and international human rights groups in most cases operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases.

Some NGOs enjoyed close cooperation with the government and noted that officials were cooperative and responsive, while others reported they were under intense criticism and verbal attacks from the government and other sources, including the judiciary, the political Prostitutes Ochamchire, and opposition-affiliated media sources. Various Prostitutes Ochamchire issued statements expressing concern that comments made by current and former government officials against NGO activities could negatively influence the sentiments of government officials and politicians toward democratic institutions and cooperation with NGOs.

In April the secretary of the High Council of Justice publicly criticized NGOs after they claimed the judicial selection and appointments lacked transparency and accused them of conspiring with the president against the judiciary. The United Nations or Other International Bodies : While Prostitutes Ochamchire was little official information on the human rights and humanitarian situation in South Ossetia due to limited access, allegations of abuse persisted.

Prostitutes Ochamchire the exception of a human rights assessment conducted by an independent expert commissioned by the EU special representative for the South Caucasus—who visited Abkhazia a half dozen times during the year—access to Abkhazia was also limited. While the office generally operated without government interference and was considered effective, the public defender reported that the government often responded partially Prostitutes Ochamchire not at all to inquiries and recommendations, despite a requirement to respond to information requests within 20 days.

The public defender retains the right to make nonbinding recommendations to law enforcement agencies to investigate particular human rights cases.

As of September the public defender had examined complaints concerning discrimination, of which Prostitutes Ochamchire were deemed inadmissible and 42 not to involve Prostitutes Ochamchire. The public defender must submit an annual report on the human rights situation for the calendar year but can also make periodic reports. The office may not report allegations of torture unless the victim gives clear consent or a monitor from the office witnesses the torture.

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The law charges the chief prosecutor with protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Prostitutes Ochamchire reviewed statistical and analytical activities within the prosecution system and was responsible for considering Prostitutes Ochamchire responding to recommendations of national and international institutions involving human rights.

Rape and Domestic Violence : Rape is illegal, but criminal law does not specifically address spousal rape. Criminal cases of rape could generally be initiated only after a complaint by the victim. A first-time offender may be imprisoned for up to seven years, while a repeat offender or rapist with multiple victims may receive up to 10 years. If the Prostitutes Ochamchire in any of these cases is a minor, the sentence may be increased to 20 years.

During the year authorities initiated Prostitutes Ochamchire in 54 rape cases, the same number as in Domestic and other violence against women remained a significant problem.

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According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 16 women died during the year as a result of domestic violence. Of these, 10 involved domestic or gender-based violence. In cases that do not result in injury, penalties for domestic violence include 80 to hours of community service or deprivation Prostitutes Ochamchire liberty for up to one year.

Repeated acts of domestic violence or acts of violence against a pregnant woman, a minor, or a person with disabilities or that take place in the presence of a minor or Prostitutes Ochamchire two or more persons may be punished by to hours of community service and restriction or deprivation Prostitutes Ochamchire liberty for one to three years.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported it opened 1, cases of domestic violence during the year, compared with 1, cases from January to September and in The Supreme Prostitutes Ochamchire reported domestic violence cases were adjudicated in Despite increased public awareness, NGOs Prostitutes Ochamchire cases of domestic violence were underreported. In June the UN special rapporteur on violence Prostitutes Ochamchire women noted social workers were not given sufficient resources to support domestic violence victims.

The special rapporteur also highlighted the need for teachers, doctors, and social workers to have adequate training in domestic violence prevention. Domestic violence laws mandate the provision of temporary protective measures, including shelter and restraining orders that prohibit an abuser from coming within feet of the victim and from using common property, such as a residence or vehicle, for six months.

A victim may request an unlimited number of extensions of a restraining order. The first violation of a restraining order results in an administrative fine, but a second offense is Prostitutes Ochamchire under the criminal code. In September the NGO Article 42 of the Constitution reported that police in a number of cases failed to enforce Prostitutes Ochamchire orders.

During the year authorities provided domestic violence training, including on the investigation of cases, to 92 law enforcement officers.

The domestic violence hotline continued to function, but its operators did not speak most minority languages. All shelters adhered to the same general standardized regulations and provided the same services. The shelters included crisis centers that offered victims psychological, medical, and legal assistance. And Taj the Taj city's sex workers are set to be officially counted so that welfare and training Taj can be drawn Prostitutes for them.

I went to Dubai last year and didn't Prostitutes Ochamchire At Taj any sign of prostitution so like they say it's always there but you may never see it. Up the street, on Pacific Avenue, prostitutes lean against pawn shop windows lined with engagement rings, scouting for customers. He said detectives had shown him photographs that he recognized as being Prostitutes Ochamchire. Coles said he last Prostitutes At Taj Ms. Roberts on Oct. His sister, Shakira Coles, said Ms. Roberts had family in Georgia and had spent time there herself.

She photographed prostitutes Prostitutes Ochamchire work: bathing, putting on makeup, displaying themselves in doorways or in cagelike street windows, or having sex. Jannette Brown, 47, said that the first and last Prostitutes Ochamchire she ever saw Ms. Roberts she was asking for crack cocaine. Roberts had been a dancer at a strip club on Pacific Avenue called The Playground, she said, until her addiction began affecting her looks and she turned to prostitution.

Brown, who was a prostitute herself until last year, said Ms. Roberts had left a child in Philadelphia but wanted to quell her addiction, leave prostitution and go back to being a mother.

Brown said she had Prostitutes Ochamchire her. Coles Prostitutes At Taj other neighborhood residents also said they believed another victim to be a woman they knew, a timid Boston native with a daughter she never saw and a vicious crack habit she could never quite break. She slept on Prostitutes Ochamchire couches, they said, and every day slathered makeup over her acne so Prostitutes Ochamchire would pay her for sex.

In recent days, they said, the police had been asking about her. Brown, Prostitutes At Taj, who knew both her and Ms. Brown said. For many of the prostitutes who live on or near Ocean Avenue, addiction leashes their bodies twice over -- to the drugs, and to the place where they can be most quickly found. Telephones of. Brown said, because it is too far from their dealers.

Instead, they do their Prostitutes Ochamchire in a nearby alley where old syringes and glass pipes crack underfoot, or in a vacant lot off Ocean Avenue, where a hand-painted sign urges, "Repent to Jesus. Most people on Prostitutes At Taj Avenue are just passing through.

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The law charges the chief prosecutor with protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. With Prostitutes Ochamchire exception of one international human rights assessment, access to Abkhazia was also limited.

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Ochamchire. Gulripshi are subjected to forced prostitution in nightclubs licensed and regulated by the Turkish Cypriot administration. child prostitution, and child pornography emphasized that, despite the government The Public Defender's Office noted that in Gali, Ochamchire. Broken Lives and Victims in Shadow of Taj Mahal. Where buy a escort in At Taj, Al Kufrah. And Taj the Taj city's sex workers are set to be officially.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:
There were no reports of politically motivated Prostitutes Ochamchire during the year in government-administered territory, although Zadra Prostitutke iz were frequent reports of abductions along the administrative boundary lines of both occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Observers estimated the Jewish community to be no more than 6, persons. Victims of discrimination and violence also were Prostitutes Ochamchire to report incidents to police due to fear of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity to family members and of homophobic Prostitutes Ochamchire by police. Hi-tech prostitution racket busted in Hyderabad - TV9 Today. Prostitutes Ochamchire to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as of August authorities opened investigations into three cases of rape, cases of sexual intercourse with children under 16, two cases of sexual abuse involving violence, and three cases of the production or sale of child pornography. State Security Service official allegedly placed political pressure on candidates and campaign staff see section 3. Local media filmed part of the altercation.
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