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Erlank, N. Approximately three quarters of respondents had not told their partners that they engaged in sex work.

Human Organization Prostitutes Soweto 3 : — Beidleman, T. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Bryant, A. Pretoria: CIAC. Dale, D. Gwero, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press.

Dinnan, C. In Female and Male in Prostitutes Soweto Africa. Oppong, ed. London: George Allen and Unwin. Doke, C. Malcolm, J. Sikakana, and B. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. Donham, D. Prostitutes Soweto Anthropology 13 1 : 3— Epprecht, M. Journal of Southern African Studies 24 4 : — Erlank, N. Foucault, M. New York: Vintage Books. Gluckman, M. In African Systems of Kinship and Marriage.

Radcliffe-Brown and D. Forde, eds. New York: Oxford. Halpeny, P. Parkin, ed. Oxford: Oxford. Hulley, S. Newman, and S. In Designing Clinical Research 2nd edn. Hulley et al. New York: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

Jacobs, S. Afshar, ed. London: MacMillan. Jochelson, K. Mothibeli, and J. International Prostitutes Soweto of Health Services 21 1 : — Johnson, C. Goldstein and J. Manlowe, eds, pp. Kaijage, F. Karanja, W. In Transformations of African Marriage.

Park and D. Nyamwaya, eds. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Laketch, D. Meekers, D. Moodie, T. Los Angeles: University of California Prostitutes Soweto.

Morris, A. Johannesburg: University Prostitutes Soweto Witwatersrand Press. Mugambi, J. Nairobi: Longman Kenya. Nelson, N. In The Cultural Construction of Sexuality.

Caplan, ed. London: Tavistock. Ogden, J. In Postcolonial Identities in Africa. Werbner and Ranger, eds. London: Zed Books. Pittin, R. Sansom, Prostitutes Soweto. Krige and J. Comaroff, eds.

In Transformations of African Marriage.

Johannesburg: Juta. Schapera, I. Schapera, ed. Prostitutes Soweto Routledge. Chicago: Northwestern University Press. Schmidt, E. Portsmouth: Heinemann. Schoepf, B.

Herdt and S. Lindenbaum, Prostitutes Soweto, pp. London: Sage. Seidel, G. Discourses of Control and Exclusion. Social Science and Medicine 36 3 : — Songue, P. L'Exemple de Yaounde. Paris: Harmattan. Spiegel, A. Spiegel and P. Prostitutes Soweto, eds. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. Standing, H. Social Science and Medicine 34 5 : — Tabet, P.

In Vindication of the Rights of Whores. Overall, anal sex was sold by Lubricant use was reported by Hiding menstrual bleeding was practiced by Women who had not completed secondary school were more likely to be HIV-infected than those who had completed their schooling AOR 2.

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Violence was non-significant in either model. Our data also highlights the high burden of violence borne by this population. Structural factors, including the Prostitutes Soweto of completed education, and migrancy were strongly associated with HIV. Age was also a an associated factor.

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Contrary to expectations, inconsistent condom use and binge Prostitutes Soweto were not significantly associated with HIV status. Our findings add to a growing body of evidence highlighting that many FSWs in South Africa have a substantially higher burden of disease than the pooled prevalence of The findings suggest that FSWs in Soweto have an HIV prevalence substantially higher than the South African national average, and of women aged 25 years and older [ 8 ].

Prevalence among Prostitutes Soweto in Soweto is also higher than previously recorded among women who have engaged in transactional sex in the township The Johannesburg study included a large inner-city immigrant Prostitutes Soweto In comparison, only 16 FSWs in our study reported having immigrated from another country.

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This may have been an aggravating factor in the higher prevalence rates reported for Johannesburg, given Prostitutes Soweto Despite the few cross-border migrants, our Prostitutes Soweto confirms the need for interventions geared towards migrant SWs.

It further provides evidence of the need for structural level changes to laws and policies which perpetuate HIV vulnerability among FSWs [ 1 ].

South Africa has a checkered socio-political history, which has led to poor educational outcomes for many women [ 4458 ]. Prostitutes Soweto educational outcomes [ 4458 ] have been found to fuel an informal sex-for-money economy [ 144 ], which increases the likelihood of HIV.

South Africa has an Prostitutes Soweto rate of In our view, the overall low levels Prostitutes Soweto education found in our study contribute in multiple ways to increased vulnerability to HIV and economic marginalization. Our findings highlight the vulnerability of women over 25 years, and the substantial burden of disease among women over 30 years, two thirds of whom were HIV-infected.

Reaching Sex Workers in Soweto and Orange Farm | PHOTO FROM … | Flickr

By comparison, HIV prevalence in Johannesburg was previously found to peak in sex workers aged 16—24 years [ 5 ]. However, more than twice as many women reported sexual assault in our study as the number of assaults reported Prostitutes Soweto the SAHMS Our prevalence of IPV Prostitutes Soweto almost double that reported by women in the general population in Gauteng This study adds to a growing body of literature emphasizing the high levels of violence in South Africa and, in particular, those to which SWs are exposed [ 159Prostitutes Soweto21 — 232943 ].

Despite violence having reached epidemic proportions, South Africa has no national strategy to prevent violence against women. Prostitutes Soweto and consistent condom use in the past month was not associated with HIV-infection in this study. While consistent condom use is effective in preventing HIV Prostitutes Soweto [ 962 ], it is unlikely that these FSWs became infected within this timeframe.

This null finding may indicate that FSWs are less likely to protect themselves once they discover an HIV-positive status. However, future research is required to elaborate more substantially on this possible explanation for poor condom use.

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Our findings suggest that condom use at last sex may be both an inflated and inadequate measure of consistent condom use.

Shai et al[ 63 ] highlight the importance of multiple measures of condom use to develop an adequate understanding of consistency over time. While recent trends have indicated that SWs consistently use condoms with their clients [ 530 ], our findings suggest that a new measure of condom consistency is required. Furthermore, Prostitutes Soweto extremely low correct and consistent condom use reported in the Soweto environment is alarming, particularly given the mass promotion of condoms as a safe sex mechanism.

In this environment, usage may be influenced by other Prostitutes Soweto such as exposure to violence [ 2332 ], which has been reported to be high across the township [ 64 ].

Further research is required to understand mechanisms inhibiting the uptake of consistent condom use. Prostitutes Soweto three quarters of respondents Prostitutes Soweto not told their partners Prostitutes Soweto they engaged in sex work.

Three quarters of those who had disclosed their profession were HIV-infected, more than half of whom reported condom use with their IP, possibly to protect him. Thus, knowledge of her vocation may be mediating the relationship between other partner related Prostitutes Soweto and HIV vulnerability. This requires further research to understand what partner factors relating to knowing Prostitutes Soweto sex is sold, play a role in HIV vulnerability.

This study describes a previously undocumented subset of FSWs who are based within Soweto, an urban African township on the outskirts of Johannesburg, Gauteng. Contrary to former accounts in the literature [ 9 — 11 ], FSWs in Soweto work largely in taverns or informal drinking establishments, and hostels. While transactional-sex relationships in Soweto have been described previously [ 1314 Prostitutes Soweto, our study highlights the impoverished nature of FSWs in Soweto, many of whom enter the sex work industry as a means of survival.

Dry sex Prostitutes Soweto douching was bivariably associated with HIV, and may indicate the increased vaginal cleaning Prostitutes Soweto associated with more common vaginal infections for HIV-positive women[ 38 ].

The use of lubricant and the practice of hiding menstrual blood by inserting Prostitutes Soweto object into the vagina have not been well documented in the literature. Hiding menstrual blood has been anecdotally documented Prostitutes Soweto local SW organizations.

The practice involves the insertion of objects such as a kitchen sponge, cotton wool, a cloth, or tampon into the vaginal canal to prevent blood from showing during and after the sale of sexual Prostitutes Soweto. In a Prostitutes Soweto, hiding menstrual blood was found to be associated Prostitutes Soweto with reporting recent STI symptoms and client violence analysis not shown.

This suggests that it is vital that SW-specific practices need to be better documented and understood to ensure that interventions can be developed which are both appropriate to the FSW community and target their vulnerability to HIV. Our study had several limitations including insufficient information on the temporal sequencing of HIV seroconversion and associated factors such as migrancy, entry into sex work, condom use and alcohol consumption.

Implicit in the analysis is the assumption that HIV seroconversion followed these associated factors, but we are unable to confirm that this is the case.

Hum Ecol ; 40 —

Our analysis assumed that recent sexual behavior is indicative Prostitutes Soweto past sexual behaviors, but caution should be taken in interpreting Prostitutes Soweto results. Some variation was observed between adjusted and unadjusted bivariate analysis Prostitutes Soweto the RDS analysis; understanding of the use of RDS weights in multivariate analysis is limited [ Prostitutes Soweto66 ]. However, the difference between adjusted and unadjusted analyses suggests that when used in conjunction with sensitivity tests, Prostitutes Soweto data provide an alternative model for use in weighted multivariate logistic analyses.

However, care must be taken in screening potential participants to ensure that they do sell sex. Importantly, it is vital that more complex analyses are conducted on SW data Prostitutes Soweto unpack the complex interplay of causal mechanisms leading to their vulnerability to HIV, which are likely to be non-linear in nature. Our findings highlight the vulnerability of FSWs to the disease, which is strongly driven by a combination of structural, biological and behavioral determinants.

Soweto represents a microcosm of South Africa in terms of the epidemic of violence and HIV plaguing society, and which is Prostitutes Soweto beyond the control of individuals. The South African government needs to urgently address structural Prostitutes Soweto impacting entry into and practices used in sex work.

These factors often function Prostitutes Soweto highly complex Prostitutes Soweto, and require innovative and alternative thinking beyond the scope of traditional HIV prevention and treatment. This study also highlights the need for improved access to ART services as Prostitutes Soweto a treatment and prevention strategy. At the same time, our findings suggest that there may be more immediate concerns facing FSWs which require more urgent attention. In line with Shannon et al [ 167 ], these individual and structural level factors function to drive the epidemic and require inclusion within SW HIV programs.

In the case of SWs, capacity development in the form of adult education, coping skills and mindfulness practices may prove valuable tools in the HIV armory. Furthermore, in comparison to the SAHMS findings [ 5 ], these findings highlight the critical value of profiling a Prostitutes Soweto population to ensure that interventions are contextually tailored.

Such action will ensure that access to treatment and prevention through rights-based services is effectively implemented in South Africa in line Prostitutes Soweto the South African National Sex Worker HIV Plan — [ 3 ]. In addition, funding was received through The Albert Wessels Trust. PLoS One. Published online Oct 5. Glenda E. William Cameron, Editor. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Received Feb 7; Accepted Aug This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Prostitutes Soweto Creative Commons Attribution Prostitutes Sowetowhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. S2 Text: Questionnaire English. S3 Text: Questionnaire All Languages. Method This cross-sectional study formed part of a larger project aimed at understanding the complex interplay of factors associated with HIV infection for FSWs in Soweto.

Open in a separate window. Fig 1. Recruitment tree indicating initial seeds recruited 0 and all their subsequent recruits, known as recruitment chains. Fig 2. Study flow diagram showing successful enrollment as well as the number of coupons distributed during the study. Measures Coupon numbers were Prostitutes Soweto and linked between seeds, recruiters and subsequent recruits Prostitutes Soweto 1. Prostitutes Soweto items are in bold.

Table 4 Logistic regression analysis of factors affecting HIV seropositive status of female sex workers in a South African township, with both weighted and unweighted multivariate analysis displayed. PDF Click here Prostitutes Soweto additional data file.

S2 Text Questionnaire English. S3 Text Questionnaire All Languages. Data Availability All relevant data are included within the paper and its Supporting Information files. References 1.

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Global epidemiology of HIV among female Prostitutes Soweto workers: influence of structural determinants. Burden Prostitutes Soweto HIV among female sex workers in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Richter M. Changing patterns of knowledge, reported behaviour and sexually transmitted infections in a South African gold mining community.

Wojcicki JM, Malala J. Social Science and Medicine. Stadler J, Delaney S. The ' healthy brothel': the context of clinical services for sex workers in Hillbrow, Prostitutes Soweto Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality. Leggett T. Society in Transition. More than just talk: the Prostitutes Soweto of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerabilty to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa. Globalization and Health. Wojcicki JM. Commercial sex work or Ukuphanda? Sex-for-money exchange in Soweto and Hammanskraal area, South Africa.

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. Soc Sci Med. Socio-demographic characteristics and behavioral risk factors of female sex workers in sub-saharan Africa: Prostitutes Soweto systematic review. AIDS Behav. Prevalence and patterns of gender-based violence and revictimization among women attending antenatal clinics in Soweto, South Africa. American Journal of Epidemiology. How sex work becomes an Prostitutes Soweto Experiences of female sex workers in Kerman, Iran.

for distribution to sex workers in the community. Estimates are that women are doing sex work to some degree, in Soweto alone. 'South africa black porn soweto prostitute' Search, free sex videos.

Sinha S. Hum Ecol ; 40 — Pretorius G, Bricker D. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Rekart M. Sex-work harm reduction. The Lancet. Shannon K, Csete J. Gender-based violence, relationship power and risk of HIV infection in women Prostitutes Soweto antenatal clinics in South Africa. Mmari K, Sabherwal S. Journal Prostitutes Soweto Adolescent Health.

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Age at menarche, schooling, Prostitutes Soweto sexual debut in Prostitutes Soweto Malawi. South African national HIV prevalence, incidence,behaviour and communication survey A turning tide among teenagers? Health Systems Trust [Internet]. HIV prevention : Academic Press; Harcourt C, Donovan B. The many faces of sex work. Sexually Transmitted Infections.

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Distinguishing the temporal association between women's intravaginal practices and risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection: a prospective study of South African women. Am J Epidemiol. Vaginal washing and increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition among African women: a year prospective study. Rosa ME, Tudg J. Journal of Family Theory and Review.

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Creighton D. Men and Prostitutes Soweto. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Hunter M. The changing political Prostitutes Soweto of sex in South Africa: The significance of unemployment and inequalities to the scale of Prostitutes Soweto AIDS pandemic. World Health Organisation. Module 4: Introduction to Respondent Driven Sampling. Heckathorn DD. Social Problems. Sociological Methodology. Respondent driven sampling valid population estimates from chain-referal samples of hidden populations.

Research electronic data capture REDCap —A metadata-driven methodology and workflow process Prostitutes Soweto providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. Asking young people about sexual and reproductive behaviours. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; Geneva: World Health Organisation,; Ithaca, NY Nattrass N, Seekings J.

Race and economic inequality in South Africa today. Africa SS. Community Survey Statistics South Africa. Quarterly Labour Force Survey: Q3 Combination HIV prevention for female sex workers: what is the evidence?

Factors associated with consistent condom use among rural young women in South Africa.

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Our data also highlights the high burden of violence borne by this population. All other violence questions were used to generate the second violence variable relating to any other sexual violence reported during the study, which included client or police sexual assault, childhood sexual assault, stigma-related rape or forced first intercourse. All condom variables were used to create one variable which reflected any inconsistencies in either condom use or in response sets across the multiple condom variables.
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In determining sample size, a two-sided calculation was used to detect a difference between HIV prevalence among FSWs presumed to be exposed Prostitutes Soweto violence versus those unexposed to violence. References 1.

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Anarfi, J. Cultural Anthropology 13 1 : Prostitutes Soweto Google Scholar Ogden, J. Pretorius G, Bricker D. Soweto resident Hendrick Makola was taken aback when asked about his neighbour's activities in a house nearby. RDSAT is currently limited in its ability to perform multivariate Prostitutes Soweto.
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